It was a banner autumn for mushrooms. I photographed many around the trails and especially liked the tiny little one I spied growing inside this log.
I've been wanting a Yogurt Maker for a long time. Hubby ordered this Electric Yogurt Maker below and it came a week ago. Only then did I remember I need the starter mix too. So that has now been ordered. I'm anxious to try it out this week.
I had one years ago when I lived in the far North and used it for three or four years before it konked out. I enjoyed the yogurt it made very much. I don't think the local Hudson's Bay store even carried yogurt and the price would have been prohibitive even if they did. This particular one earned a lot of stars on Amazon.
We had to drive down to Brockville( an hour from us) for Hubby to have his hearing aids adjusted at a clinic there. I made a quick visit to the local Michaels and bought a few DMC threads I needed for the present autumn project and for two smaller ones I have tucked away. I was able to get every single number on my list! It is wonderful to have the materials on hand when the mood strikes to start a project. I struck up a conversation with a woman while there. She spied the threads in my basket and said, cross stitching heh? She said she cross stitched too, was working on a piece with praying hands. We parted with her saying, it helps keep my sanity. I couldn't agree more, I said back.

While there I also bought two new crochet hooks, smaller sizes than my current one, to start my Yuletide Blanket over again with the correct tension this time. That got crossed off my to do list.
I found the time to experiment with foundation sewing a couple more scrappy trees. I realized I really like the way this can showcase fabrics and their pretty designs. I'm treating this like small stitching in between big stitching so hopefully I'll have a few to show from time to time...with trunks attached, :).
I have to replenish our Vitamin D supply. I take the pills and Hubby likes the drops. With a Canadian winter upon us in a couple of minutes, we have to be sure to keep up this very important vitamin.
I'm beavering away on quilting the Courthouse Steps and really hope to have the slabs all quilted by the end of the week. That's a great goal for now.
I have to replenish our Vitamin D supply. I take the pills and Hubby likes the drops. With a Canadian winter upon us in a couple of minutes, we have to be sure to keep up this very important vitamin.
I'm beavering away on quilting the Courthouse Steps and really hope to have the slabs all quilted by the end of the week. That's a great goal for now.
No pressure though, just enjoying the stitching journey which I hope all of you are too.
Enjoying linking with Texas Quilt Gal, Quilt Paint Create, Quilt Fabrication and Life in the Scrapatch.
yes when you are not able to be outside a lot in the winter and the short winter days you need the vitamin D for sure. I'm grateful that here I can be outside a lot even in the winter I get out in the sunshine in the afternoon for awhile.
love your threads-- I have thought at times to make yogurt but I never get around to it and just buy some instead -
love the log with the mushrooms - it is so nice today that I just got back from a morning walk and there were so many leaves on the ground today they are dropping rapidly now
I have to smile , as your Canadian Winter adheres to a time schedule!!! Having threads in stock, then on hand, what a bonus. I seem to have so much sewing supply stock here, as we live at least 35 to 40 minutes from any shop with fabric I want. The one local shop has started to have good supplies, but no batiks so far. DMC threads, I did some tapestry stitching years ago and liked them so much.
Stitching, knitting and sewing really do keep us sane during the long cold winters. Heck they have all kept me sane throughout this pandemic as well.
Like you we have to travel from where we are to Regina which is 2 hours away for me to get to a Michaels or a fabric store. When I go I usually have a pretty long list of threads, yarns and fabric to get.
God bless.
What a pretty picture of the leaves, the log and the mushrooms. I have an instapot that is supposed to be able to make yogurt. One of my friends tried it and her comment was that it cost more to make the yogurt than to just buy it. LOL But if you aren't somewhere that you can hop out to the corner market it makes sense. You have so many neat projects going. Plenty to keep you busy during the longer nights and shorter days.
I've enjoyed making yogurt, too! Best wishes with your cross-stitch, crochet and tree projects! They all look enjoyable!
I used to have a yogurt maker, and liked the homemade yogurt very much. This makes me wonder what happened to it... I love your trees! They're fun to make with all kinds of scraps, aren't they? Enjoy dome stitching today, Jocelyn!
Did you know you don't need yogurt starter to make yogurt? You can use any plain yogurt that has live and active cultures. I don't know what brands might be available where you live.
Your trees are fun and your new DMC floss colors are beautiful.
It's a good day of shopping when you can find all the threads on your list! It always seems like there's one missing most of the time. Thanks for the reminder on the Vitamin D. I need to pick some up, too! Hope your yogurt maker works well!
I tried yogurt making a few years back without success. We make sure to take D3 and B12. I hope you have better luck with the crochet project this time around.
You are so talented, we always enjoy seeing what you're up too, even shopping. Those leaves sure are pretty!
I like the way you worded that, winter arriving "in a couple of minutes". I live in a very rural part of the Ottawa Valley. We've " battened down the hatches", filled the wood box and gassed up the generator. I take lots of D but get outdoors as often as possible. My labrador retriever insists on it. Hope tomorrow is bright enough to knit.
Thinking about vitamin D is alwaya a good thing. I take pills myself including Calcium, Magnesium and Zink (I don´s know how you call Zink).
Zinc, that´s almost the same word.
It's a great day when you can get all the thread on your list!!! I love that mushroom and it's ripples! Have a great day Jocelyn!!!
Have fun with your yogurt maker - I've considered buying one several times. Yay on finding all the floss numbers you needed, and how fun it would be to happen upon you in the local store! :D I did that one day in Joann Fabrics when another lady and I struck up a quilting conversation. I went home with a warm glow that day. Ah the fellowship of makers!
Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday! (And thanks for the reminder about Vitamin D!)
I eagerly await your verdict on the yogurt maker! I had one as a teenager many years ago, but have been buying yogurt, which I eat almost daily, for many years now and would like to try making my own again. Seeing your fabric trees reminds me that is on my “to do” list if I can ever get one of my current projects finished! I forgot to respond to your previous post that my sewing room snack is any kind of high quality caramels, either coated with high quality chocolate, or not. Luckily, I am pretty restrained and don’t overdo it - one piece is usually enough to satisfy that need for a sweet taste 😊. Have a great weekend!
I too had a yogurt maker, possibly 35 years ago considering the house I recall it in. It too died. Enjoy!
Jocelyn - love the mushrooms! I am working on several cross-stitch ornaments, and most of them are without proper designs, so I am having to guess at the DMC colors - another trip to Michael's tomorrow for some new shades! Enjoy your weekend!
Haven't tried making our own yogurt yet but we do have kefir, kombucha and sourdough on the go all the time. Resident Chef has figured out how to make cheese from the kefir too which definitely rivals the really expensive Boursin from the grocery store.
Welcome! Yo have some great projects going. Love the pumpkin quilt in your sidebar.
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