Sunday, 21 November 2021

Free Patterns, Slow Stitching SAL and Tumbling Blocks, Thanksgiving Recipe Links,

Slow stitching is something I enjoy doing either early morning or in the evenings in front of the tv. It is an enjoyable way to start or finish my day. I've been stitching little and not so little Christmas designs for a couple of Decembers. SLOW indeed! One of these Decembers I'll have enough to create an actual project with them. 

The large ones, which are Baltimore Album inspired, were created by Carrie Nelson for her 2020 Moda Fabrics free Holiday SALYou can find 14 of the blocks here.

I've just started my fourth. I will trace a couple more this week as I like to have one all ready to stitch when the Christmas stitchy mood should happen to strike. I'm keeping the colours to just the red and green, but others have used more variety. 
And along with this project,  this week I'm concentrating on those Courthouse Steps (at the machine) and the Tumbling Blocks as more hand work.  That latter just has to be some semblance of a flimsy soon.  I can't imagine the hours of hand stitching that has gone into this project. Hubby even said to me WHY?  I can only say I've loved the paper piecing so much, still not tired of it and will be making more blocks to add to the overall width. On the queen sized bed here, it is plenty long but I want it a tad wider.

The quote in the last post on that pretty appliqued/embroidered tree-

                              "Wake at dawn with a winged heart 

                                and give thanks for another day of loving."

is from Khalil Gibran.  Thanks for that info, all of you who mentioned it. I always appreciate it so much when commenters chime in with information to share.  Of course all the words of encouragement absolutely never go astray either.

I came across a pretty tree decoration on Pinterest and tracked down the tutorial for it.  Kerryanne  at this post on her Shabby Art Boutique blog shows how to make them. She calls them tags but says they can be used as tree ornaments as well. 

 I have no end of sticks but I don't have any pretty ribbons like that. But I bet some of you do.  The idea of using different colours to personalize them is a good one too. 

My American friends are preparing for an amazing holiday that is their Thanksgiving. I love the food associated with these big meals and enjoy seeing photos and reading recipes too. Here are links to three of my favourite American cooks featuring wonderful dishes. Mouth watering to me here this morning. 

The Pioneer Woman's Thanksgiving

Believe it or not, Hubby and I had a big chat about spiders yesterday.  I went around the house with the homemade funny broom that I use to clear webs, of which there are many here in all the wooden rafters.  I'd read an article about how to identify by the webs which spiders live in your house. And how to tell if they are abandoned webs or not. Upshot of it was I let some of the webs stay.  Nothing directly over my bed as I have a fear of something dropping onto me which has happened. 😼

Well with those stunning revelations, I'll close this post.  Hope there is something more exciting occurring at your place.
 Oh I do have two new additions in my sewing room that I'm very pleased with so I'll share that next time. Take care all. 

Always thankful for linky parties and all the cheery stitching to be found, such as at Kathy's QuiltsSo ScrappySmall Quilts and Doll QuiltsLove Laugh QuiltQuilting Patchwork AppliqueTexas Quilt GalQuilt Fabrication and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.



Nancy J said...

I have read that if you find a Daddy-long-legs, there will not be any white tailed spiders!!! Nothing exciting down here, a wet Monday morning, Covid continues to find its insidious way into many small towns, larger ones, getting closer to us, we are SO careful when we have to venture out, and now I have printed off our own QR code, it is at the back door and anyone visiting has to scan in with their phone. That way, if they get infected, I will get notification to isolate and get tested. Life is different and I have forgotten what the real normal was. Do you have QR codes and have to scan with your phone if you visit a shop or doctor or any business? Some businesses will not let you enter unless you are double vaccinated.How life changes. Love the stitching, so good to have it all ready for those snowy days, sit by the fire and be cosy.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love that tumbler quilt and I can see why you keep letting it grow I think I would too. I have plans for a new hexie quilt but have not gotten started on it yet but intend to as soon as I get the 2021 quilts done. That embroidery is really pretty.
We make too much food for Thanksgiving and this year not at my house! we won't eat Turkey for days on end -

Deb A said...

Took me a while to come back to you... I went off on the Moda sew along link looking at all those pretty patterns! I might have to give that a try sometime. I knocked down a web or two on my ceiling fan in the bedroom yesterday.... I don't want to know where the spider was I just hope the cats got him! I'll be busy cooking away on Thursday - just the standard stuff at my house - turkey, potato, gravy, stuffing , green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole and rolls!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm definitely going to check out the Baltimore Album blocks. I LOVE the tumbling blocks quilt! I've always wanted to make one, just haven't gotten started. Maybe someday. Happy stitching!

Jackie said...

Nothing really too exciting happening here. I am keeping my fingers moving getting gifts completed and worrying there won't be enough time to get everything done.

Why do I always seem to end up in this place.

God bless.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love those green and red embroidery designs - they are so perfect for the coming season! It is hard to explain to non-stitching people why you want to spend hours doing this - I have the same problem. Just can't help myself! Enjoy, Jocelyn!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your stitchings are always so pretty. Oh, I wouldn't be able to sleep if I saw a spider in the house!

MargaretP said...

Sounds like you have lots of lovely projects to keep you busy and happy indoors in the cold weather.
I find spraying the cobweb broom with surface insect spray keeps them away for a good while, as it leaves the chemical as you brush areas. said...

Those slow stitching blocks are awesome! I never considered the webs could be anything but abandoned. . .unless I saw a spider in it! How interesting. I too am not a fan of something dropping on me while I'm sleeping!

Linda Enneking said...

Thanks for the reminder that I need to use my long handled duster to take down the spider webs around the high windows in our sun room. I probably wouldn't have remembered to do that before our family comes for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday.

Rebecca said...

Instead of ribbon for that little tree I am thinking fabric strings!
We got lots of those!

Green strings and white itty bitty buttons that are way to small for anything else.

QuiltGranma said...

I invited a friend to Thanksgiving and finally cleared off the table in our little house. Wow, once she is gone I just might be able to sew! I just have not been motivated lately to even clear up space! Hopefully that is over and I can finally get some littles finished.

CathieJ said...

Okay, I could do without the spider talk. I absolutely detest them and they irrationally terrify me. So do cave crickets which are now widespread in our area and they reside in our basement. Ugh! I love your tumbling blocks and all those pretty little Christmas embroideries.

Sherrie said...

Hi Jocelyn,
I love all your Christmas blocks...thanks for sharing a link to some blocks...I'm making a Christmas Sampler, so new patterns are appreciated. Your Tumbling Blocks are awesome laid out on your bed, it will be beautiful when finished. The Christmas Ornament is really pretty, thanks for sharing the link to make one of these. Have a great day!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

OK Jocelyn, I love your Christmas blocks and went to the link and started downloading them... ONLY to find out that I did that in July!!!! So now I am printing them out and want to start this project and maybe have it done by the end of December! Dreamer I am! But it was just too funny. Your tumbling blocks are really pretty and another one on my list. I think that we are both traditional quilters!

I love the links that you find and share! Have a great day! Hugs

Veronica Lee said...

Your stitchings are incredible!

Spiders freak me out!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Such pretty blocks! As for the tree decoration - I've seem them done using torn strips of pretty fabrics instead of ribbons.
I don't mind spiders but they don't want to set up housekeeping in my house because they'll get evicted one way or another. I try to catch and release but they aren't always cooperative.

Denise :) said...

I love a good Moda stitchalong! Your blocks look pretty ... how fun it will be to put them together!! My granddaughters (under my daughter's supervision/direction) make simple ornaments to sell every year. They use every penny they earn to buy things from Food for the Hungry ... they've purchased things like seeds, animals, tools, medication, water purification systems, shoes, and more! They made the ribbon trees a couple of years ago ... mine still hangs on my tree! They are really sweet looking. Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

Janice said...

I’ve just enjoyed sitting with a cuppa and catching up on reading your latest posts. You’re making great progress on your varied projects. Good luck on resisting any new starts. I love seeing your autumn colour, as we are getting closer to summer, although it is still relatively cool and very wet here. It’s so good you can now spend time with your family. Spiders are busy here too, with eaves needing brushing.

Linda said...

I laughing about the spider webs and your husband's "Why?" comment! :D I've done two of the Moda embroideries (thanks to you!) and was wondering what stitch you are doing on yours. I've been doing a running stitch on part of it and stem stich on the vine-y parts, but my stem stitch always looks spiky.
That is so interesting about identifying whether spiders are done with their webs. I grew up with spiders - big ones - crawling into my room while I read Nancy Drew books late at night. I guess they were attracted to the light? I have noticed the older I get the more I cherish other critters' lives and do my best to rescue them before the kitties see them and torture them.
So nice to read how you are enjoying the paper piecing and in no particular hurry to finish up on the Tumbling Blocks!
Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday Jocelyn!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Your Tumbling Blocks are wonderful, I love this top!