Sunday 9 March 2014

Island Life

 This book had been on my reading to-do list for some time before it worked its way through the library hold section and onto my night table.  The description of it and the fact that it had been long- listed for the Orange Prize made me want to read it. 
Island of Wings by Karin Altenberg is a good book.  What initially appealed to me, a story about living on an island, a young woman among people who were native and speaking a different language, accompanying her husband who felt he was on a mission to 'save' these native people with his particular brand of Christianity, all were themes that struck chords in my own past life.  St. Kilda, off the coast of Scotland, proved to be a wild, interesting setting and I think proved to be a character in the book as suredly as the people themselves.  I was not totally emotionally empathizing of both main characters, but just enough to make me care about them and want to know what would happen to them. 
Here is a photo of our aquarium with two of the three fish in sight; you can't see it but they are doing well.  I am finding there is much more to maintaining a healthy aquarium environment than I ever knew...water temperature, filtering systems, aeration, kinds of food.  It is a bit of a science.  Hubby has estimated we have about four inches of fish in our fifteen gallon tank and could add another inch or so.  I'm afraid to chance it, though.

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