Yesterday was one of those days when we had a bunch of chores to do in town. Along the drive to and from, we both admired the spectacular colour show the trees were putting on. I am determined to note this season in a way I failed to do with summer which seemed to have slipped through my fingers.
When I got home and took the dogs for a walk, I took my camera with me. Hope you enjoy these photos from around our house as I 'note the season'.
And here they are, the broad band of sumac that line the path seen from the trail that borders the swampy area.
Up close, the leaves hang like red flags.
They make the path to the house look festive. You can see how gnarled and thick their branches are. These are aptly named Staghorn Sumac. In places the upper branches form a canopy and once we saw the imprint of where an animal had spent the night in the grass under that canopy. Hubby thought it a deer.

Do you remember this poem from grade school? I know I read it in school books or readers as we called them. I thought of it as I looked at these photos and the way our field is wearing its scarlet gown.
Hope there is something colourful in your day.
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