Saturday 5 August 2023

Thrifting, Painted Lady Quilt, Nature's Medicinal Plant, Free Pattern

 Today is the first day in over a week with nothing on the agenda. There have been lots of appointments lately and visiting too. So this rare day stretches before me- I can decide myself when to exercise, read, stitch, roam about with my camera, etc. and up first is getting this blog post finished.

Below, the Day Lilies and my four pots at the further end of the veranda...I'm awed by the wonderful growth. I've let the wild Mullein grow...that's the two tall plants on the right. The leaves, seeds and yellow flowers have amazing nutritional qualities for people but I keep it for the bees and insects to enjoy. The flowers have a staggered opening, providing nectar for bees from early July to frost in the fall. 

Younger daughter Beth and grandson, Robbie, have collaborated to make a Youtube channel named The Adventures of Pete and Abbey. A little summertime in between camps activity for Robbie. They've had fun coming up with the music and ideas they could use. In this one, Petey came in and out of the room about 14 times before finding Beth which we all found hard to believe. 
Being intermittently frugal like I am...I do enjoy searching through thrift stores. Treasures are waiting there to be found has been my experience.  I don't collect as such anymore but if I see something special I will buy it and sometimes for others. Tony has had a number of Dalmatians in his life and the last one, Lacey, was still alive for me to care for at the farm in our early years together. I saw this mug and had to buy it and here it is amongst his little Dalmatian collection, belonging and looking like it was always there.
At Value Village that same day- the very one where I have dropped off books and quilting magazines, I couldn't resist buying ten of these magazines priced at 99cents each.  I'm incorrigible! That colourful scrappy Bear Claw quilt caught my eye and these were/are excellent magazines, still providing a wealth of quilting information in each one. 
Summer Finishing School is not over for me. I have one more project that I want to completely finish before September and it is this one.  A 2018 scrappy wool project called Painted Lady, design by Laura Heine. It is a flimsy and I've been enjoying adding embroidery touches here and there this summer. It would make a wonderfully colourful wall hanging once backed and quilted.  
I had to do repair work on my sewing machine recently. I woefully neglect it and couldn't remember when I'd changed the needle last. It seems like I resent the time spent doing these chores- time taken away from actually stitching. I keep the manual handy and there are a series of excellent videos online dealing with my particular model. So I have no excuse.  I must say my Singer Quantum must be good to keep on stitching the way it does with absolutely zero maintenance, poor thing. 

Free Pattern today is from Laura's Fibre Works site.  Mr. And Mrs. Claus Runner.

Love this adorable Mr. and Mrs!

Hope today allows you time to yourself to do what you love!

Happy to link with Kathy's QuiltsQuilting is More Fun Than HouseworkSongbird DesignsThe Inquiring Quilter and  So Scrappy.


Robin said...

I love the flowers this time of year, both the well tended beds and the wild ones. I especially love the way the petunias billow over their pots and beds and the marigolds are dazzling in the full sun. What would fall (almost) be without marigolds. I have that copy of Quilters newsletter. It has so many good things in it. I haven't seen that design of Laura Heine's. It is so colorful and fun. I fill about 10 bobbins with neutral quilting thread and when the last one runs out I know it's time to clean and oil the machine. But, like you, I don't always remember to change the needle.
Enjoyed your post today.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your plants look happy and lush there, Jocelyn! Isn't it wonderful to see bees being attracted to them? Cute video of your daughter and Petey, too. We had a dalmatian when we were first married - for about 14 years, I think. I bought a dalmatian figurine at Disneyland when we went there in the 80s, and it's still a favorite little thing. Loved seeing Tony's collection! Your Painted Lady stitching is beautiful!

Carol in Texas said...

I took Quilters Newsletter for years when I was an avid quilter. It was an excellent magazine and I cut out and saved a number of articles and pictures of quilts for my file cabinet. I remember the cover quilt of the one you picture.

Jenny said...

Years ago when I started being interested in quilting, I subscribed to Quilters Newsketter magazine. It was so exciting when a copy arrived in the letter box each month.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That hide and seek game was really cute. Hey, we like having nothing on the agenda!

Jennifer said...

Good find at the thrift store....I have a collection of older QN magazines which I still refer to. Their articles and information were excellent.

Jackie said...

I try and remember to replace my needle every 8 hours of sewing... Doesn't always happen though.

I really love your garden.

God bless.

The Cozy Quilter said...

My machines let me know when a cleaning is in order! Skipped stitches and not sewing smoothly are the signs that it’s time to stop sewing and clean out the fluff. Cute runner pattern ! Have a good long weekend.

Linda said...

Your garden is so pretty and lush. LOL on Petey! Your daughter is so slim, she can easily hide behind that door. :D Is she the cake maker? What a cute mug for Tony. I am LOL at you buying magazines from the place where you donate magazines - I would do the same!

Jenn Jilks said...

What a great garden. I let the Mullein grow, as well. The woodpeckers and other birds like the seeds.

Jenn Jilks said...

Oh, loved the video, too!

K Reeves said...

What a lovely post, Jocelyn, I just enjoy seeing what you have been up to! Days with no agenda are a gift!

CathieJ said...

Daylilies are one of my favorite flowers. Mine are long gone already. They usually bloom at the beginning of July here. The video is cute. I like the mug that you found.

Susie H said...

Beautiful flowers and I'm sure the bees & butterflies appreciate you looking after them. Hope your week is going well.

Karrin Hurd said...

Love the flowers! I love going to thrift stores and usually visit several a week.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

We used to go thrifting all the time but since covid hit it's been very rare. DH doesn't travel well with his sciatica issues and the best stores are over an hour away. Guess I should look at how much money we're saving by not going!
Your garden looks so lush and green. I like the overgrown look in gardens and an added bonus is that they're good for the bees.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

I subscribed to Quilters Newsletter from around 1988 until we moved in 2010. Sometimes reading it was the only "quilting" I could manage in a month, as a young working mother. I learned so much and was introduced to so many fabulous quilters featured in the magazine.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I have a whole collections of Quilter's Newsletter. I should go take a look at them. That was the best quilt magazine. I still miss it. I love seeing your garden.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Beautiful garden, Jocelyn. I really like your wool flimsy! So bright and cheerful it is!