Tuesday 1 August 2023

August OMG, Solidarity Blocks, My Selfie

 "And into the garden I shall go

To lose my mind and find my soul"

My garden is overblown these days...all the beds have so many interlopers I don't know where to start with the weeding. I actually enjoy a chaotic garden so this isn't bothering me that much. I did pull out the Wild Grape Vine that had wound its way through the daisies. But even that has pretty leaves to my eye. 


Above is a Cedar Waxwing with its gorgeous lemon belly I captured down by the pond a few years back. The sun is shining just like that today and we have no tornado, thunder and lightening, heavy rainfall, or high humidity warnings. A banner day!

I had promised to show you my hair in the humidity.  Here it is. I'm terrible at selfies...don't think you are supposed to show the phone itself and I needed glasses on to see what I was doing. This is how much my hair has grown out from that pixie cut I gave myself back in January this post. At this wild stage, I can barely put a comb through it -truthfully with curly hair, I don't use a comb, mostly a pick. On the plus side, it makes it look like I have much more hair than I really do.

It is time to set another Elm Street Quilts OMG...can't believe it is for August! Think I'll choose the Solidarity wall hanging to finish the hand quilting on for this month. 
Here it is in beginning stages, blocks on the design wall.
Then as a flimsy
And now the hand quilting of it. I love using Perle 8 cotton thread for this and do not do any sophisticated designs. But on that, I've been looking into hand quilting templates to try more detailed patterns than the simple echo quilting I mostly do.
I've got a few of the blocks finished. Hearts and Hexies
Snowballs in an unusual design
And one of my favourites, the House Block
Someone...so sorry, can't remember who, asked about the size of the hoop I use. This one is 14 inches.
I reread this little book, Claire Keegan's Small Things Like These.  Outstanding writing style- I admire it very much...simply but eloquently written sentences relating a very big story. Tony also read it-rare for him to read a book, and declared it "very touching". 

Are you watching this? We are and enjoying it very much.
I've got a list of things to do outside with the air being so enjoyable today. It all has to do with the flower beds. And I'm hoping to get in some veranda stitching later on. I've already made a meat loaf for supper and will do homemade oven fries if it stays cooler; if not I'll make baked potatoes in the microwave which are passable. 
Hope your day is going well and you find yourself likewise engaged in activities that you love.
Happy to link with the To Do Party at Quilt SchmiltAlycia QuiltsConfessions of a Fabric Addict and Quilt Fabrication.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I haven't seen a cedar waxwing in years but the last time I did it was an entire flock of them (probably close to a hundred) that swooped in to our garden to feast on our crabapples. I was so afraid to go out to try to get pictures for fear I'd scare them away.
My hair frizes a little in the humidity too and I wish it would decide to be either curly or straight and not just simply kinky (hmm...matches the owner perhaps?).
I love all the different blocks in your Solidarity quilt which will provide lots of scope for fun quilting designs.

grammajudyb said...

The cedar waxwing photo is splendid. Wow! I wish I could hand quilt! I thought I would when I first started quilting, but I’m not happy with my stitches! I suppose I need to keep trying! Oh to have curly hair instead of straight as a string and fine and limp! 😀
I love your selfie!

Jeanna said...

You got a great photo of the Cedar Waxwing. Your solidarity quilt top is so pretty. I look forward to seeing your quilting progress.

Jeanna said...

You got a great photo of the Cedar Waxwing. Your solidarity quilt top is so pretty. I look forward to seeing your quilting progress.

Susie H said...

I don't believe I've ever seen a cedar waxwing. What a beautiful bird! Your Solidarity quilt looks wonderful and I must say I love your hair! I am amazed at how much it's grown. You look lovely! Have a great day!

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

A beautiful bird! Added that book to my list. My hair frizzes pretty badly in the humidity as well so I generally just keep it back in the summer (I'm too hot with it down anyway!).

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

We love seeing the cedar wax wings- you got a beautiful photo of that one! My hair has been crazy this last month, too - just a bushy mess. Looking forward to getting it cut this afternoon! Your hand quilting is lovely, Jocelyn! I really like the contrasting thread - it goes perfectly with the blocks.

Kathryn T said...

What a pretty photo of the bird. Well and I wouldn't mind having hair like yours. Love the hand quilting, its something I'd like to try but haven't yet.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

one year only I saw Cedar Waxwings - they come through our state only briefly like a couple days on their way north I guess - we happen to see then one day years ago while we were dining out and glanced out the window and they were all over a bush - I sent a photo of it to my daughter and ID it and said we were lucky that they were rarely spotted here.
I love the hair - I'm the same way on selfies I just can't do them and the phone always shows. I have given up on weeds in the garden until fall and then on a very cool day I will see about getting them all out of there - maybe in two months LOL

Jenny said...

That's a beautiful bird photo. My hair doesn't go frizzy, mind you, we seldom have humidity where I live, although that may well change with global warming. Its winter here in New Zealand and today I'm well rugged up with warm merino tights, a winter dress with a skivvy underneath. The weather is awful but I declared that I'm staying home today in the warm and keeping dry. I'm sure some sewing and knitting will keep me occupied.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That little birdie is just adorable and the quilt is really gorgeous!

Jackie said...

We used to have the waxwings in a bush outside our kitchen window eating away at the berries it produced. We had to remove the bush in order to build the fence, so I had to say bye to my bird friends.

You took a lovely selfie.

God bless.

Michele McLaughlin said...

We don't have cedar waxwings here but I've always been fascinated by that bird. It's adorable and wonderful photo Jocelyn! Love your hair (you might not but I think you look adorable in that photo). I do love your Solidarity quilt, it's so happy! and your quilting is perfect on it! Have fun in your garden!

Linda said...

That waxwing photo is breathtaking! I love your selfie, your hair, your glasses - you look beautiful. Your dinner sounds delicious!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

The cedar waxwing is a handsome fellow- what a great photo. And a beautiful photo of you as well, Jocelyn. Your quilting is looking amazing. Such sweet fun blocks to work on. Have a very lovely week.

Anne-Marie said...

I enjoy a more wild garden too. :) I haven't seen a Cedar Waxwing in person in years and years. The hand quilting is perfect.

PaintedThread said...

Great photo of the waxwing. That hair - it's alive!!! LOL Doesn't matter - your smile makes me smile. I like those little hearts, too.

Susan said...

We had a flock of these in our neighborhood, though yours are definitely prettier! Lovely hand work your doing!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Don't you just love how humidity makes the hair pop haha!!!
Your OMG is Beautiful - the hand quilting is so amazing on it!

QuiltGranma said...

Beautiful at any age! Thanks for the freebees, and the recipes.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Love your quilt! What size needle do you use with the Size 8 pearls cotton for quilting? Love your hair! Makes you look younger! Hugs.