Sunday, 8 June 2014

Sunlight Dish Detergent and Consciously Incompetent

One of my roommates in university used Sunlight dish detergent to shampoo her hair and also as soap for shaving her legs.  She was quite insistent that it left her hair shinier and healthier than regular hair shampoos.  That roommate did have wonderful hair, so for awhile I used it too.  I didn't notice the positive results that she seemed to get; I'm thinking she was blessed with great hair and it wouldn't have mattered much what she used on it.
 I thought of this when I was reading a magazine lately and came across the suggestion to use hair conditioner as soap for shaving.  The writer claimed it leaves the skin smoother and in better condition than any of the specially formulated shaving creams do.  It would also involve saving money as hair conditioners can be picked up quite cheaply as well as it would mean having one less product hanging about in the bathroom.  I am going to give that a try too though I don't seem to have a need for this as much as I used to.  One of the positives of growing grows slower in some areas of the body, but, on a negative, suddenly sprouts in other spots. Not complaining, just telling is all.
In that same magazine, Real Simple, March 2014 issue, I read a wonderful article by Ann Leary about being consciously incompetent.  This resonated with me because I realized there are few things in my life I would label myself consciously competent at.  I think I am stuck at the incompetent thinking stage with a lot of things I try to do.  You know the old saw about jack of all trades and master of none.  But that does not stop me from trying.  I do seem to want to keep learning and like the author, add to my skill set, even though I am very aware of my own limitations.  Time is no longer an excuse for stopping something when I know I'm still incompetent though I've given it a pretty good try.  Now that I'm retired I can't use that.   

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