I always boil leftover chicken bones for the basis of my soups and keep extra frozen in the freezer. I'm sure what I have after 4 or 5 hours of boiling must be close to bone broth.
Pretty bland looking and rather bland tasting actually. I think I will add a few vegetables and a little salt and pepper to drink the rest. This came from a local farm, Agape Gardens, and is just one of the nutrient-dense foods they are producing.
I wonder what their Kale Chips would taste like.
I've been reading a lot about dried cherries. They are larger than my dried cranberries so have a more satisfying chew to them. I love the sweet/tart flavour. I add them to yogurt, my smoothies, sprinkle a few on top of hubby's cereal. I'm loving them in my salads too. I won't bore you with the nutrition facts but cherries are a good source of copper and essential vitamins.
If you like a satisfying crunch to your food, then this snack food is for you. I can thank the other Daughter for discovering these.

Marketed as a curiously crunchy popcorn, these are partially popped kernels and dense in flavour. I like the individually packaged sizes which have been scientifically proven to help curb snacking. A great snack I now keep on hand.
I bought the cherries and the HalfPops at Cosco, by the way. Haven't seen the HalfPops anywhere else.
Marketed as a curiously crunchy popcorn, these are partially popped kernels and dense in flavour. I like the individually packaged sizes which have been scientifically proven to help curb snacking. A great snack I now keep on hand.
I bought the cherries and the HalfPops at Cosco, by the way. Haven't seen the HalfPops anywhere else.
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