The Labour Day Weekend meant for us three days off with no duties or appointments. I'd made my list of what I wanted to accomplish. It went like this, in order of importance.
I was up early on Saturday morning and began immediately to set my action plan in motion. The washing machine was whirling all day with the last to go in the dogs' blankets from their crates. It was great to be able to air dry in the sun the covers and blankets. I vacuumed and mopped the floors, changed all the bureau cloths, and dusted all the prints and mirrors. I dry mopped under both beds and found enough hair to make Rex a brand new coat. I wiped all the skirting boards and cleaned under the sink where Hubby had everything apart putting in the new dish washer.
Even though cleaning the house was the last on my list it felt really good to get it done and out of the way. The house felt cleaner than it has in ages.
I made a lunch of peanut butter and banana on pita bread with a big cup of Earl Grey Tea and plotted the rest of the day. Too hot around mid-day to walk the dogs, so I felt I had no choice but to start the Granny Stripe Blanket.
Crocheting again, yah!
This is the rather famous project begun by Lucy at Attic 24 in 2010. This many years later and some of us are still following her tutorial and making the same blanket. I know I'm not alone in this. Here is hers...
I decided right away that I wanted to follow Lucy's lead regarding the order of the colours; she has a wonderful sense of colour. So I went to one of the three posts she has written about this project and found the one that detailed the order of colours. Here's what I did that hopefully will keep me on track with my rows of colours.
I cut the colour name from the label and taped a bit of the yarn to each and numbered them 1 to 15. I really will go wrong if I don't take extra precautions you see, just maybe, this will keep me on track.
Then I had to chain 240 with the pomegranate which is a pretty pinky colour. That's a lot of loops to keep exact. I counted and recounted and counted again.
Here is my very, very long chain.
Hope to goodness I have it right. So I'm off on another project and really looking forward to working in wool again and having a project that is portable.
That's three WIP's on the go, but who's counting.
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