My Monday Melange includes this poem by the wonderful Mary Oliver.
How could she know these words so describe me!
The wonder of what knitting/crocheting fingers can do. In this case little nests for the wee birds at the Ottawa Wild Bird Sanctuary. The staff report that they love these.

What a popular trend adult colouring is turning out to be. I recently looked through a huge display of adult colouring books at Chapters. Some of the art work was incredible and I could be very happy colouring pages such as this below. The link to an article on Craft Gossip is HERE.
And a little sweet instead of a bikkie to go with a cup of tea...Cherry Blossom Snowballs. I make Chocolate Snowballs all the time mostly because no baking is involved; mine do not have cherries. Must try this variation sometime perhaps for Christmas.
The recipe is found at Saltjunk, a site featuring good old time Newfoundland recipes.
I love owls. I'm not sure what it is about them that I like; maybe just the big eyes that appeal. But I have watched this little video many times and it always delights me. Hope you like it too.
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