Thursday 26 March 2015

Wobbly Thighs and Noodle-eating T.V. Viewers

Now I'm sad about something.
  I just don't like my late winter/early spring thighs or the hips they emerge from either, frankly.  I saw an article last month that said do these exercises and have thinner thighs in just 30 days.  If I'd started that regime then, I would now have thinner thighs, darn it.
 I'm noticing my thighs for a reason (have been unaware of them all winter, it seems).  Babysitting grandson, the one that is 16 months old, is providing a workout for mine.  I'm crouching a lot with him and running around scooched down as in playing peekaboo around the kitchen island, which he likes to do a lot and tonight my legs are a wee bit wobbly. What a great excuse to just sit and stitch.
I'm spending an enjoyable hour or two a day on that cross stitch project.  I'm loving how relaxing it is to spend such time stitching; it really does suspend all thoughts which they say is as good as meditation and I believe that.
Before I forget, someone asked how long my burgundy scarf turned out with all three balls knit up. It is almost 5 feet long, a good length and has a light feel to it.  Sadly, scarves can still be worn this many days past the first day of spring.
I just read in the paper that our regular summer birds are being slow to return; sightings so far have been scanty.  Can you blame them?  I'd stay south too if I could.  I did sight a raccoon on my drive home the other night.  I guess hunger will force them out and about no matter the temperatures.

Meanwhile I have this great bunch of leeks, one of my favourites;  I'm recipe browsing to find a good use for them.

This past weekend, Saturday was noodle night.  Love how convenient these udon noodles are.

I added a sauce mixture I made up consisting of chicken broth, chicken, tomatoes, carrots, chick peas, rice wine vinegar, and various beans.  Hubby likes spicy so I added some of that Rooster hot chili sauce.

A great little meal for an evening of t.v. viewing.  We are now watching American Crime, The Slap, Secrets and Lies, Hit and Miss and many others.  It is a golden age of television for sure and I'm so happy to be around to witness it.

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