Friday 30 January 2015

Quinoa and Shrimp Stir Fry

Quinoa is a relatively new food to me.  I was first introduced to it at a friend's house two years ago.  She had made a birthday cake for her husband's birthday using quinoa; it was a chocolate cake and quite good.  Now it seems to be popping up everywhere. It reminds me of couscous and I've been finding it handy for sitr-fry type dishes.  It cooks up quite fast itself and can work well with many foods and in many recipes.

Here I am frying a little onion and yellow pepper.  I have thawed shrimp and a bowl of cooked quinoa ready to go.  It will all be mixed together with a little sauce and seasonings.

This is what I used for a sauce... 1/4 cup of chicken broth, 2 tablespoons of soya sauce, 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, a little sugar, and a little pepper.  Quinoa needs some seasoning to have a flavour, for sure.  I served naan bread with this along with mango juice for hubby.
High in protein, quinoa is an excellent substitute for rice in salads and stir fries.

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